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Contribute Your Thoughts

The first time you reply to a post as a registered subscriber to Official Best of Fest’s community, your comment will be held for moderation.  Once we verify your identity, we’ll promote you to an OBOF contributor… and the posts you write about movies and the biz will show up here!

Welcome to OBOF, and thanks for joining us.  Make your voice heard… and remember to watch your celluloid footprint!

44 Responses to “Contribute Your Thoughts”

  1. Mr WordPress  

    We’ve got a lot going on here, and hope you’ll join the conversation!

  2. Darrel Manson  

    Nice collections. I have a few titles to suggest. Where do I leave them?

  3. Greg  

    Hi, Darrel! Good to see you here.

    I’ve just upgraded you to “contributor,” and you can now log in and write your own posts. Select “Anything” as the category for your posts, and they’ll show up in the menu listing at left!

    We look forward to seeing your suggestions…

  4. Darrel Manson  

    A couple of films to consider: Captain Abu Raed and Red Like the Sky. I saw both at Newport Beach a couple years back. Captain Abu Raed picked up a couple awards there as well as at Heartland. Red Like the Sky was also at Palm Springs earlier that year. Captain Abu Raed is the first film out of Syria in many years.

  5. Darrel Manson  

    Looking back a bit. A some films I saw in Montreal in 2007: Kuri-obi (Black Belt) from Japan, a live action short Centigrade, and an animated short, Come Again in Spring.

  6. PeterB  

    Excellent site and films. Is there any possibility of offering the films and shorts a la carte? I would like to buy them as I do songs, one at a time.

  7. Greg  

    Wow. That would be a great thing! But licensing would be a nightmare… But we’ll keep trying!

  8. PeterB  

    Thanks for the response, Greg. I saw “Celamy” last nigt and can’t figure out how to see it again with my daughter… without plunking down %44.00 Is it anywhere online that I can see it legally that you know of?

  9. Greg  

    I think you might be able to find Celamy on YouTube…

  10. Mark Monlux  

    I love what you folks are doing. I too love telling people about Seldom Seen Films. I found the best way of doing that is by drawing cartoon reviews of movies. I love finding them a film they’ve never heard about. Thanks to you, I can tell them about a lot more.

  11. jerry pupa  

    Suggest a movie entitled: Uncle Nino. Movie illustrates how American “culture” contrasts so sharply with, let’s say “European” manners and enjoying the important things in life. Movie was BURIED (some suspect) by Hollywood cause it’s a little guy-feel good type that “THEY would rather not have us “small people” know about. Color, starring Joe Mantegna. Jerry

  12. Greg  

    Thanks, Jerry!

  13. Woody  

    Love the show Best of Fest. Good work. I would like to recommend the movie “The Resolution of Mossie Wax” (1973).
    It is 89 minutes long, perhaps too long for your format, but a great movie. Wonderful character development. I just wish I could get a copy to watch again.

  14. Greg  

    Excellent. Thanks, Woody! And we do include feature films in our boxed sets, though obviously that doesn’t work on the TV show…

  15. mtinnirello  

    When is PBS going to restore their phenomenal film they produced for TV in 1972: Between Time and Timbuktu?

    see IMDb review:

    You tube has some scenes from the film which gives you a view into how Kurt Vonnegut Jr blended some of his novels into this political / sci-fi satire.

    The original video is decaying in a vault at the Paley Center for Media in NY (formerly Museum of Television & Radio).
    I remember seeing a 16mm movie that was slightly different than the video version in college in 1975 or 1976.

    Does anyone know any more about this film and if/when it will be shown in public again?

  16. alisad  

    Wow! I was unaware of OBOF until I just happened to flip to it last night on PBS. I viewed the episode – “Love I” and I can’t stop thinking about the short film “Tanghi Argentini”. A very memorable and excellent short film. Because it sticks in my mind, it reminded me of two of the short films I viewed at the Maryland Film Festival this year in May 2011. Under Modern Romance: THE HUNTER AND THE SWAN.
    And in the Strange Times category — the short film “WE’RE LEAVING”
    I’m so glad to have found OBOF on PBS and will look for more episodes.

  17. Debbie  

    I also am in love with this series..and the films are beyond wonderful!! I too LOVED ‘Tanghi Argentini’..and several others on other shows..please keep coming to PBS and there a chance any of these might be found at Netflix?? Thnx!! :>)

  18. Greg  

    Hi, Debbie. We’d love to get a deal with Netflix, but there’s a reason indie films are indies. Distribution that competes with the major distributors, well, doesn’t really compete! But we’re still trying… Help out by telling all your friends! The more fans we get, the more leverage we’ll have.

  19. Jill  

    When are you coming back to PBS? I am in Los Angeles and saw two episodes and loved both.

  20. jvranes  

    I heard about the opportunity to submit a widget for competition. I would like additional information about this. I have a son who is a junior in high school and has made short films with his family and friends since he was young. This sounds like something he would love to learn more about.

    Thank you,

  21. eternity  


    I was absolutely delighted to find my film announced here recently:

    My question now is: what happens from here? How do I know if my film will be accepted into a Gift Set or appear on PBS? And how do I make sure that I’m not excluding myself from the possibility by having my film broadcast or appear on other stations and places?

    Many thanks

  22. Greg  

    Hi, Jill. We don’t have a lot of control (well, none really!) over the local PBS affiliates and which episodes they air when! Just keep checking your local listings for further announced episodes!

  23. Greg  

    Hi, David! When Rick starts assembling new gift sets and TV show episodes, the licensing team will contact filmmakers directly. And the distributing agreements are generally non-exclusive, so you still control all your rights.

  24. Joel Horwitz  


    I am very happy to hear the short I was the lead in was a winner in the: “Films That Make You Think” category.

    How could I find out if it won any specific awards or garnered any comments or reviews in other festivals that brought it to the attention of the OBOF?

    Also, is there a document of your award to the filmmaker(and any comments or reviews from your curators) that I could get a copy of?

    My profile in this piece and any PR from it could greatly improve my ability to aquire proper representation, and I would appreciate the opportunity of that possibility.

    We all know what it’s like to fall through the cracks.

    Being sought after to act in independent films would be a huge measure of success for me and a long time in coming.

    I am proud of my director/editor/filmmaker/friend.
    She is wonderful and extremely talented.
    We unfortunately live in different parts of the world and I am grateful she let me know about the award.

    I look forward to hearing from you
    and thank you and the organization.

    The name of the short is: “Exile.”
    The filmmaker is Gaia Baldini.

    Happy New Year,

    Joel Horwitz

  25. David  

    Where can I buy OBOF material in Australia?


  26. Greg  


  27. Greg  

    Hi, Jennifer. Here’s the application site for filmmakers. I’m checking to see if there is some special competition for student filmmakers.

  28. Greg  

    Hi, David. We are not aware of OBOF sets being available in Australia. Dang!

  29. Greg  

    Hi, Joel. Those who submit winning films for consideration (usually the producers or director) receive an electronic notification of awards, with artwork suitable for display on website and other printable art. Contact Gaia for more info. To see all the categories that Exile is listed in, use the search field on the Awards page.

  30. Greg  

    Jennifer, the powers that be confirm that I am right. The link in my previous reply is the correct link for filmmaker submissions.

  31. Joelhorwitz  

    Thank You Greg.

  32. Denise  

    Would love to access these films but not interested in box sets. As someone suggested, individual film access would work better.
    Why can’t this operate like Netflix as there is a body of work that could support this!?

  33. Greg  

    Hi, Denise. We’d love to get on NetFlix… but the same reason you don’t see these films in theaters is the same reason we can’t get on NetFlix, either: the major distributors lock up just about everything. But we have managed to get many of these films on Public Television (check your local affiliate listings), and hope to soon have the sets and TV shows available to stream and download. Stay tuned!

  34. Marguerite Armont  

    My name is Marguerite Armont, and I am an animated filmmaker, and I create animated shorts. I was wondering if OBOF accepted animated shorts. If someone could reply to my question, that would be greatly appreciated.

  35. Greg  

    Hi, Marguerite. You can find out more about the Awards and submissions at Good to hear from you!

  36. Archlich  

    I saw a film on OBOF about a little girl who’s mother had died. She “created” an imaginary friend to play with, who turned out to be the spirit of her mom. What was the title? It’s driving me crazy! Thanks!

  37. Greg  

    I think you’re talking about Celamy. It’s part of our Award-Winning Indie CHICK FLICKS gift collection.

  38. Archlich  


  39. David  


    I don’t want to be a pain or nag – but I am very excited and keen to know: has Rick started assembling new gift sets and TV show episodes? Anything to share with excited directors and producers? :)

  40. Linda  


    I just registered. How in the heck do I watch one of these great movies? There are no instructions on how to do it. Just a lot of talk about how great this website is. If I have to buy a movie, how do I do that?

    I am about to give up.

    Why do you make it so difficult to watch one of your great movies?



  41. Greg  

    Hi, David. Sorry for the gross delay in responding! With irons in the fire, we had hoped to have more concrete news by this point. But those irons are still in the fire, and with the successful national syndication of the TV show on PBS stations, and a great affiliation with BYU TV, we do expect to have more news about the future of OBOF soon.

  42. Greg  

    Hi, Linda. Sorry that you’re finding things so difficult! There are two ways to watch OBOF offerings — the Gift Sets for sale in the main navigation menu above, and the TV Show (details in the main navigation menu above). The TV Show is syndicated and available on PBS stations in dozens of markets across the nation. Check your local listings.

  43. David  


    Are directors and producers going to hear anything about new gift sets and episodes in 2012?



  44. Greg  

    Hi, David. Sadly, the OBOF series will be going on hiatus for a while. The good news is that Rick Stevenson is having a good bit of success with his “School of Life Project,” but the distribution model for OBOF has not proved viable in its present configuration. But all is not lost; there are other irons in the fire with OBOF, so stay tuned for developments!