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 Episode 7: On byutv Nov. 16th at 2:30 PM MT
Created in its entirety by first-time filmmaker Josh Staub, The Mantis Parable is the charming tale of a humble caterpillar trapped in a bug collector's jar and in need of a helping hand. The Mantis Parable
Smile, a lonely but caring happy face toy has a friend, a happy face balloon, but the menacing deeds of an evil Pirate lead Smile on a daring rescue mission to save the balloon from certain peril. Smile
Young Aidan may have tried to follow all the rules, but in a moment of carelessness, his own crayon creation will go horribly wrong... What's Wrong With This Picture?
Colin takes his dog Cumberland to the park for a game of fetch but Cumberland has other ideas. What happens when man's best friend refuses to cooperate? Fetch

The sequel to the multi-award winning short animation, Fetch. We re-join Colin as he takes Cumberland for a walk in a snowstorm
Our hosts, Rick Stevenson and Dr. Brandon Whitehead (aka The Silent Critic), bring us the award-winning short films The Mantis Parable (d: Josh Staub, USA, Animated, 9 min), about a caterpillar trapped in a collector's jar; Smile (d: Chris Mais, USA, Comedy, 10 min), which tells the tale of a lonely but caring happy face toy on a mission; What's Wrong With This Picture? (d: Jeffrey Travis, USA, Comedy, 2 min), about a crayon creation gone horribly wrong; Fetch (d: Dana Dorian, UK, Comedy, 1 min), which features a singularly uncooperative pet; and Snowtime (d: Dana Dorian, UK, Comedy, 1 min), the sequel to Fetch.

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